Branding Works

Visions made Visual

Turning your passion into your business? We help heart-centered entrepreneurs figure out how they want to show up (visually) in the world. We create brand identities that resonate with their vision, and help them put an authentic and professional front out into the world.

Client: Whyte Labs

Whyte Labs Visual Identity Design

Whyte Labs is a robotics education start up taking an unconventional, whole-child approach to the work that they do.

As imaginative engineers and compassionate teachers themselves, I created a brand identity for them that has an air of whimsy and light-heartedness, while being approachable, tasteful and professional.

Curiosity is a core value to the company, and their name “Whyte Labs” was a play on the words “why” and “white” (symbolic of a blank canvas, representing the field of possibilities). The logo reflects that by incorporating the motif of a question mark within the logo.


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Filson Soft Regular





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color palette

Whyte Labs Education







Whyte Labs Consulting





Photography Aesthetics

I worked closely with the founders to figure out a photography direction that matched their needs. Wanting to give parents and students an authentic peek inside the world of Whyte Labs, we steered clear of stock photos and used real photos that instructors take in-class. Being a small startup with limited resources, we focused on defining content focus to align with brand identity rather than aesthetics.

Photos focused on showcasing Whyte Labs’ class in action, such as students tinkering, the instructors interacting with the students, robots that students’ built as well as Whyte Labs’ own proprietary hexapod robot design - a one of a kind in the market.

Photos also feature shots with the robot’s complex wiring and raw components, to highlight their unique value proposition of teaching kids to build from scratch.


I also created a set of key collaterals based on their needs. As robotics exhibitions and education fairs were one of their key marketing avenues, we created a set of collaterals for that purpose - name cards, booth banners and flyers, which were also handed over as an editable template to accommodate future content changes.

Client: Teadent

Teadent Visual Identity Design

Teadent was a community space hosting a range of wellness, fitness and creative events, and soulful conversations.

The name Teadent comes from combining the words “teacher” and “student”, representing its core philosophy that we are at the same time teachers and students to each other in the school of life. The founders wanted to incorporate the motif of a chipped teacup, a vessel to be filled and poured from, as a symbol of its core philosophy.

To fit with the business’ quirky and vibrant character, I created a logo mark that features two teacups in dialogue. The chip in the cup creates the mouth, and it has an ear - for speaking and listening - which enables the sharing of wisdom from one being to another.


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Large Heading


Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut hendrerit ipsum quam, quis convallis tellus gravida ut. Donec commodo interdum magna.

color palette





INstagram collaterals

Merchandise mockups

Brand Guidelines

Let's Make Magic Together

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